Peer Reviewed

Cerda, J.R. and L.R. Ballweber, Confirmation of Echinococcus Canadensis G8 and G10 in Idaho wolves and cervids, Journal of Wildlife Diseases, published online, January 25, 2018.

Cerda, J.R., D. Buttke, L. Ballweber. Echinococcus spp. Tapeworms in North America. Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases. Vol. 24(2), Feb. 28, 2018.

 Kogan, L., K.L. Dowers, J.R. Cerda, R.M. Schoenfeld-Tacher, and S.M. Stewart. Virtual microscopy: a useful tool for meeting evolving challenges in the veterinary medical curriculum. Journal of Science Education and Technology. Published online July 27, 2014.

 Stewart, S., K. Dowers, J.R. Cerda, R. Schoenfeld-Tacher, and L. Kogan, Microscope use in clinical veterinary practice and implications for veterinary school curricula, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, accepted for publication July 24, 2014.



Cerda, J.R., Danielle Buttke, Leah Vucetich, John Vucetich, Rolf Peterson, and Lora R. Ballweber. Wolf (Canis lupus) population dynamics and taeniid cestode prevalence in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA. CVMBS Research Day. Fort Collins, Colorado. January 2015.

Cerda, J.R. & Lora R. Ballweber. A One Health Approach to Echinococcus spp. disease ecology. Phase II grant proposal presentation for internal CSU One Health Research and Development Grant. Fort Collins, Colorado. December 2014.

Cerda J.R., Ashley Malmlov, Cassandra M. Kirk, Todd O’Hara, Kimberlee B. Beckmen, and Lora R. Ballweber. An update on Echinococcus in wild canids in Alaska. European Scientific Council for Companion Animal Parasites Scientific Meeting. Vilnius, Lithuania. October 2014.


Cerda, J.R., Danielle Buttke, Lora Ballweber, Echinococcus canadensis in the United States: a re-emerging public health concern? One Health Ecohealth Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 2016.

Cerda, J.R., Danielle Buttke, Leah Vucetich, John Vucetich, Rolf Peterson, and Lora R. Ballweber. Long-term trends in prevalence and ecology of Echinococcus in wolves (Canis lupus) in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA. European Scientific Council for Companion Animal Parasites Scientific Meeting. Vilnius, Lithuania, October 2014.

Cerda, J.R., Ashley Malmlov, Cassandra M. Kirk, Todd O’Hara, Kimberlee B. Beckmen, and Lora R. Ballweber. New Data on the Prevalence and Geographic Distribution of Echinococcus in Wolves (Canis lupus) and Arctic Foxes (Vulpes lagopus) in Alaska. Wildlife Disease Association International Conference. Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico. July 2014.

Cerda, J.R. and M.E. Fernandez-Gimenez. Social and Institutional Constraints to Rangeland Management Innovation: The Role of Social Networks. Society for Range Management Conference. Spokane, WA. January 2012